Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Things I No Longer Do

1. Iron my kids' jeans.

2. Have a weekly schedule for cleaning. (Now my kids are older, it must be done when they are home. The plan is always to have them help and do their part. Doesn't always happen, but I don't want them to think the house gets cleaned magically by little fairies when they are away.) Laundry remains on Monday. That is etched in stone with me.

3. Iron everything once a week. (I miss the convenience of having it all done. Just can't seem to find the time/motivation to attack that massive pile!

4. Send everyone in my extended family birthday cards. (I wish I did that. That was nice of me.)

5. Mop the kitchen floor every night. (Yes, I know that was a little obsessive, but that floor showed everything. Perhaps my current floor does too, but my tolerance has increased.)

6. Go on every single field trip with every single kid.

7. Do my hair every day. (Some days it is better to have your hair pulled up than be late!)

8. Set out an after-school snack each day. (Some of my kids are expert at foraging; some are expert at baking. I have lost control of the after-school kitchen.)

9. Make my children make their beds every day. (sigh. Wish I still did that.)

Things I Will Always Try to Do

1. Read with a child every night.
2. Read scriptures as a family.
3. Pray together, morning and night.
4. Have instrument practice happen in the morning. (So sold on morning practice!)
5. Have dinner as a family. (O.K. some nights this just doesn't happen. But we try!)

That's it. Just the basics.

The jean ironing got swept away in the wake of real life.